пятница, 22 января 2016 г.

про локальные бд для фс

из ирки, #freeswitch

<pankid> I am trying to setup freeswitch HA using thishttps://freeswitch.org/confluence/display/FREESWITCH/High+Availability . I configured freeswitch to store registrations on internal to a mysql database through odbc, but it doesnt seem to be writing anything to my database
<pankid> http://paste.debian.net/333170/
<eschmidbauer> pankid: take "<param name="core-recovery-db-dsn" value ..." out of sofia
<pankid> eschmidbauer: and only have it in switch.conf?
<eschmidbauer> you need this in switch.conf.xml --> <param name="core-db-dsn" value="..." />
<eschmidbauer> yes, you only need that and the above in switch.conf.xml
<eschmidbauer> then in sofia, you need
<eschmidbauer> <param name="odbc-dsn" value="...." />
<eschmidbauer> so yur sofia profiles share a single db
<eschmidbauer> and the core shares a single db
<pankid> do they need to be different databases?
<eschmidbauer> doesn't matter, they can be same
<eschmidbauer> or different, as long as the values are same on each box
<pankid> will freeswitch populate the database I created in mysql?
<pankid> according to this old documentation it will, https://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Using_ODBC_in_the_core#CentOS_5.2 but I am not seeing any indication freeswitch is trying to use this database.

1 комментарий:

  1. А есть пример из жизни при использовании массивов?
